Friday, August 19, 2022


KBOS 040954Z 04011KT 7SM RA OVC008 09/07 A2978 RMK AO2 SLP083 P0008 T00890067  
KBOS 040854Z 05008KT 6SM RA BR BKN007 OVC019 09/08 A2977 RMK AO2 SLP080 P0009 60031 T00940078 56014 
KBOS 040754Z 04011KT 10SM -RA BKN008 BKN013 OVC055 09/07 A2978 RMK AO2 SLP084 P0010 T00940072  

KBOS 040907Z 0409/0512 05008KT 6SM RA BR BKN007 OVC019
  FM041200 04011G20KT 3SM -RADZ BR OVC008
  FM041700 02012G21KT P6SM VCSH OVC008
  FM042200 03008KT P6SM OVC010
  FM050500 08004KT P6SM OVC020
  FM050800 09005KT P6SM -RA OVC015

A02 means that the site is automated and HAS a precipitation sensor. If it were AO1, there would be no precip sensor.

Supplementary Information
RE = Recent weather followed by weather codes
WS = Windshear, followed by:
TKOF/LDG (takeoff/landing)
RWY (2 digits runway identifier and designator L/R/C)
RMK = Remark
SLP = Sea Level Pressure
T00221083 (Expanded temp/dewpoint)
1st, 5th digits: 0=plus, 1=minus
2nd-4th digits: temp (decimal missing) (02.2)
6th-8th digits: dewpoint (decimal missing) (-8.3)

KBOS     Boston
040954Z  Date 04th Time 0954zulu  (5:54AM)
04011KT  Winds 040 at 11knots
7SM      Visibility 7statue Miles
RA       Conditions - Raining
OVC008   Cloud cover overcast at 800'
09/07    Temperature 09deg C; Dewpoint 07
A2978    Altimeter 2978
RMK      Remarks
AO2      Automated Weather Station - A02 means that the site is automated and HAS a precipitation sensor. If it were AO1, there would be no precis sensor
SLP083   Sea Level Pressure 
T00890067  Expanded Temperature & Dewpoint  0 + 08.9   + 06.7   

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